2009’s Version of “The Shingle”- Your Professional Practice Website

openA professional website is now a must these days for any clinician who wants to present an up-to-date and current practice and image. Although some companies offer a template approach to your website, FreudTV offers website customization with SEO programming (search engine optimization), where you are more readily found by consumers searching for your specialty on the internet. Additionally, FreudTV helps you to relay your philosophies of therapy, views on treatment, as well as life in general.

Although it seems counter-intuitive, today’s marketing necessitates a sort of personalized approach. FreudTV will show you how to walk this delicate line without crossing professional boundaries. A good professional website should include your calendar and allow the patient to schedule appointments and pay you online. You should also be considering the idea of providing therapy via the web. This can be a very cost-effective way to immediately increase your profits and number of clients.

You should also include a picture of yourself, if not several, on your website. FreudTV provides professional images versus the one your spouse took of you after gardening one day. If you really want to “wow” them, we suggest adding media to your website, such as video clips of your work. You can easily link youtube videos to your site, or FreudTV can embed them into your site. If you do not have media work, FreudTV works with you to develop a video montage demonstrating your specialties. Your website should enable users to easily follow you on your professional facebook and twitter accounts, with a clickable icon. You should also include links to your professional blog, where you frequently discuss relevant issues.

Lastly, you should focus on your “focus.” These days, it doesn’t pay to be a jack of all trades, master of none. Think about what areas you really thrive in. Do you look forward to certain clients’ appointments? This may be a key indicator of where your main interests lie. This should be a central feature and theme throughout your website, and FreudTV will work with you to develop this into your brand.


~ by freudtv on July 29, 2009.

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